



Every day we are greeted with news of the latest challenges in Haiti. Political instability, famine, and diseases have left innocent lives suffering in unimaginable conditions. But, what if we came together to start making a difference today?

Rise Beyond All Odds is a movement challenge raising funds to fight for the disadvantaged to rise above the odds and pursue their dreams. This October, people across the U.S. and the nations will bike, run, and walk to bring awareness to Haiti’s struggles and fundraise support for our mission of hope. We are excited to bring this new event to you and share how we’re accomplishing this mission in the village of Fond Doux, Haiti.


200+ gangs control about 90% the capital, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, shutting down access to necessities such as critical food supplies, gas and medicine*

  • Humanitarian Crisis
    Instability has triggered a severe famine and acute food insecurity for 4.97 million Haitians, almost 50% of the population. There has been a 19% increase in children suffering severe acute malnutrition in 2024.*

  • Displacement of People
    The gang violence has caused an estimated 362,000 people to become internally displaced with thousands of refugees fleeing for safety in countryside communities.*

  • Lack of Access to Education
    Haiti’s literacy rate is one of the lowest in the world; only about 61% of the adults can read and write. Around 50% of the children do not attend primary school and 80% never make it to high school.

*UN Report | April 2024


For over 20 years, our team has invested in the rural village of Fond Doux, Haiti with sustainable solutions to end poverty.

  • Feeding Program
    We are combating malnutrition and childhood starvation in our village, feeding thousands over the many years of famine.

  • Education
    Since 2014, we have awarded over 470 educational scholarships that have allowed the poorest students in the village to attend school and university. In 2023, we established a school in Fond Doux to make quality education accessible to many.

  • Medical
    Our Healthy Pregnancy Initiative aids and educates expectant mothers to minimize infant fatality. Since its launch in 2015, we have seen 188 healthy babies delivered to healthy mothers.

  • And much more!